Known issues - Refer to this page in case of troubles
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GL Excess has been developed and tested on nVidia and ATi video cards and it runs fine on all Microsoft Operating Systems. Some glitches have been reported on Matrox cards, but this is mainly a driver problem. If you are a Matrox user, please read this.
  How to install a working OpenGL driver
   Please read this quick tutorial if you are having troubles running GLExcess and
   other OpenGL apps. Intended for 3DFX and Matrox users (Matrox users can also
   give a look at this bit of info). By Luca Rizzuti.

  Generic troubleshooting

   As usual, always make sure you have the latest video drivers installed and
   if you're still having troubles give GLSetup a try. This useful program scans your
   system and then comes out with some advices on which OpenGL driver to install
   and where to get it, according to the vendor of your video card.

  Bug report

   Please fill in the form below and hit 'send' to report any bugs.
   Thanks a lot for your dedication!
Enter your name:

Enter your email address:

Select your Operating System:

Enter your video card's brand and model:

Type a brief description of the problem here: